Thursday, March 25, 2021

As a father of two teenage kids, I have felt the various emotions that come along with watching my children compete in an organised sport. As a parent, it is common to feel nervousness and anxiety as if we were the ones on the field. It is very nerve-racking to think about the possibility of injury, the potential failure, or the chance of an embarrassing mistake that can negatively impact the success of the team. The flip side of these crazy emotions is the joy of witnessing your child experience a big win and pride of watching your child make the game-winning play.

Although organised sports can have an impact on your emotions and provide a substantial price tag, the life lessons and fond memories are well worth the time, energy, and resources. My son is currently an athlete in high school and has played organised sports since he was four years old. Our experience with youth sports is priceless, and I am honoured to share some of the benefits with you.

Social & Communication Skills

Being involved in a team sports allows for constant interaction with your teammates, coaches, referees, competitors, and other parents. This continuous interaction helps develop social and communication skills that can be applied as they mature in school and the workplace.

Time Management & Multi-tasking

Team sports revolve around practice schedules, game times, and team building events. Committing to a team, means you are committed to contributing to each of these events actively. This structure develops the ability to meet deadlines and teaches kids how to prioritise their time.

Competitiveness & Hard Work

Competitiveness is a positive character trait and can be formed by playing sports. An individual's ability to compete can carry them a long way in life. Youth sports teach an athlete how to deliver your best effort in every task, how to respond to adversity, and how to prepare for an upcoming event adequately.

Organisation & Accountability

By playing an organised sport and contributing to a team, a child can learn the concept of organisational structure and responsibility. Organised sports offer a set of clear rules, a defined hierarchy, and systems for recognition.  Learning to excel in this environment at a young age provides advantages and life experience they can apply in the future.

Overall, enrolling your child in organised sports will have a positive impact and can pay dividends in the futures. The one suggestion I have is, have fun. Find a sport your child enjoys. Join a program that has long-term growth potential, like UFC GYM's Youth Program. Follow coach that will be a positive role model. Enjoy the process of parenting a stud athlete and the positive life lessons that are part of the package.


Written by Vince Pacleb for ufcgym.com